Hosted Emails Vs Onsite Emails
Businesses cannot operate without a rock solid email solution. Email communication started replacing fax machines around 20 years ago. With the passage of time, fax machines slowly became redundant, and now most people rely solely on email and phone communications. With the further passage of time, and the popularity of cloud computing, email systems have been moved offsite, to datacentres where "Hosted Email" solutions are available.The two most common email solutions for any business are:
- Onsite Email Servers.
- Offsite/Hosted Email Servers.
Onsite Email Servers
These are computers located on your network which may also provide:
- Shared Folders and File Storage
- Active Directory for User Accounts
- User Access Control
- Print Server to Share Printers
Onsite Email Servers or Onsite Exchange Servers became more popular with Microsoft Small Business Server 2003. SBS gave the client access to Microsoft Exchange, through which Small and Medium businesses were able to host their own email server in house. The drawback of this email solution is that the server is always maintained on-site, which means if the Internet connection fails, the email facility would be disabled.If you are looking to purchase a new server please call us on 1300 991 030, or book online for a free tech consultation as we provide Business IT Support Australia Wide.
Offsite/Hosted Email Servers
With the introduction of network printers, NAS Drives and Cloud Storage (e.g. DropBox, OneDrive and Google Drive) the need for onsite file servers started to decrease. As smart phones became more popular, the ability to work remotely became easier, and with it came the need for faster and more reliable email solutions that could be accessed "on the go".To address the need for more flexible and reliable email solutions, Microsoft released Office 365. Office 365 takes the Microsoft Exchange server concept into their Data Centres which are Geo-Redundant. This means your emails are backed up and accessible from multiple locations. The benefit of this solution is that you no longer need an Onsite Email Server.With Rock Solid Reliability and connectivity to all kinds of devices, including tablets, emails stored with Office 365 remain in sync, including data such as:
- Calendars
- Tasks
- Notes
- Contacts
- Sent Items
- Inbox
If you would like to discuss in detail how Hosted emails can give your company the flexibility it needs, please contact us or drop us an email at enquiries@xpresstex.com.au.
About the Author
Looking for a reliable IT company in Melbourne? XpressTex can help. With a team of certified professionals and over ten years experience, our staff are able to fix even the most troublesome computer issues. For more information about our computer repair services, please visit our website at www.xpresstex.com.au.